Friday, May 29, 2015

An open letter to Stephen Harper and Christy Clark regarding the extermination of Bees

To Stephen Harper and Christy Clark,

Bees are not just animals. They are animals that help the environment, the economy and farmers in BC and Canada.

They create jobs and business for people who want to sell honey in BC and in Canada.

They also are the animals that are the main pollinators for "apples, peaches, melons, pumpkins, cucumbers, mustard, canola, alfalfa, and coffee" (David Suzuki, 2015).

In BC alone, "approximately $200 million in agricultural production is dependent on honey bee pollination every year in this province. Across North America that number rises to $16 billion per year." (British Columbia News room, 2015).

Before you two go off to talk about big business, I just wanted to let you know that bees are dying off in vast numbers. They will not just affect how we live, but they will also affect how we do business, especially for local Canadians and BC residents who depend on these jobs to earn a living. I am asking both of you to sign this petition below, in order to help solve the issue of the extermination of bees.


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