Saturday, June 13, 2015

We can't trust Kinder Morgan.

Why is it that the BC government is supporting a company like Kinder Morgan? A company that is an enemy to the community and to local residents. Every time that Kinder Morgan has done work in a community, it has ended in disaster. For example, "San Diego is sueing Kinder Morgan for failing to clean up petroleum tanks that seeped into the soil groundwater" (National Observer, 2015). Now, if there was an oil spill in Burnaby, imagine how much the city or province would have to spend in sueing Kinder Morgan, which would further waste taxpayers money. But, it does not matter how much the money, the province, or the city gets back from the lawsuit because the damage will already be done to the environment. The cost of living in the environment that has an oil spill is way too high, and nothing can replace it!

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