Monday, June 29, 2015

Communities and Coal- Interview with Paula Williams

We recently went to an event regarding the Communities and Coal campaign. It was a great and informative event with a former coal miner having a discussion about his experiences, as well as MP's coming to share their political parties views on US thermal coal. Here are a couple of questions that we asked Paula Williams, who is the founder of Communities and Coal.

1) How did this movement start?
- We started this group two years ago at a town hall meeting. We initially got a petition, and within 4 months, we had over 13,000 signatures. We got the community involved quickly, by putting pressure on the Surrey Council with certain issues, but we still remained neutral politically. We then starting campaigning in Delta, attained success and passing a few different resolutions. Our group is focused on making change, but remaining unbiased, reasonable, neutral and open to arguments.

2) What do you want to say to local residents who have not heard about these issues regarding coal?
Based on our evidence, people need to get involved in movements like these. There is the potential to stop these types of issues from moving forward through democracy and voting power!

Special thank you to Paula for the interview! Check out the Communities and Coal website here , for more information on what they do, and the movements that they are involved in.

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