Sunday, September 21, 2014

Interview with MP Kennedy Stewart- Kinder Morgan Pipeline

Thank you to the BROKE group for inviting us to the Rally against Kinder Morgan event on September 13th, 2014. This event was a great launching pad for residents, activists, and political leaders who all opposing the Kinder Morgan pipeline. During the event, we were pleased to have interviewed MP Kennedy Stewart of Burnaby-Douglas , Mayor of Burnaby Derek Corrigan and Professor Stephen Collis. We are really excited to meet these three people. Here are the interviews.

Kennedy Stewart is the MP of Burnaby-Douglas

1) Why are you here today?

Kennedy Stewart: 

I’m sure to support my community! This is the number one issue that is going on in the community, and as an elected representative of this area, I need to support the best interests of this community, which isn’t the Kinder Morgan pipeline.

2) What few words would you give to Burnaby residents regarding the pipeline?

Kennedy Stewart:

I don’t think that the company has the best interests for Burnaby residents, and doesn't even put them into consideration, especially regarding this pipeline

3) What do you think of Renewable Energy?

Kennedy Stewart:
It is really the only way to go in the future. China has started to go into that direction, even though that may be surprising to many. They have begun investing more in renewable forms of energy. Renewables are the only way that we'll move forward. I ran for Jack Layton because he had a great vision of a more sustainable future.We should be having a debate on technology instead of pipelines, that is what’s disappointing.

Thanks to Kennedy Stewart for taking part in this interview!

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