We recently spoke with Liliana and Nikki of Green Chair
Recycling. This is our interview with them.
Tell us a bit about your company?
-We are a for profit social enterprise
- We do recycling for such things as community events
-We also do consulting
-We take recycling to facilities and provide the events with a
full report, and recycling after event.
-We have 100 different stations at these events and
volunteers at each one
-We focus on four different aspects of waste management
1) Weigh all materials
2) Get feedback
3) send a report
4) waste audit
-We do this to give companies feedback on how much they use
and recycle at events.
So you have volunteers? Tell us more about them?
-There is a community of volunteers at this company
-Teach volunteers, it’s spread through word-of-mouth
-All ethnicities are allowed to volunteer and all people who speak various languages are allowed as well.
So you said you are a for-profit social enterprise? Where do most of your profits come from?
-Most money is made from consulting of family businesses,
other businesses, and municipalities industries
-This is mostly an educational support on recycling and more
of a focus on residents in society
-There are outreach programs as well for free. This is to
give back to the community (colleges, universities, conferences, etc) on how to
achieve sustainability.
When did you guys start?
-In 2009
Is there any competition?
-No direct competition
-Do hire on contract
How do I get into a similar field?
-be passionate
-get community involved
-bring change, use sustainability
-don’t only worry about money
How do I join?
-volunteering, website, internships
-show drive and passion
-”stand out” from the crowd
-passion more important than education
What does sustainability mean to you?
Nikki: Living in a way so future generations will enjoy same
luxuries as today
Liliana- All about community (doing the right thing)
Is the green economy growing?
-ones who participate, will get noticed
-need overall balance in life
Closing comments
-this industry needs to be seen to believed
-need to experience it
-do the right thing for you and be passionate in whatever you do!
Thanks to Liliana and Nikki for taking part in this interview!
We are constantly trying to do the 'right' thing! AND this is it! Green Chair Recycling is doing the RIGHT thing! Keep up the awesome spirit and spread your community sparks! :)