Monday, April 20, 2015

History of SLAPP suits in British Columbia

Slapp suits began to gain notice in BC around 1992, when "MacMillan Bloedel Limited, a large multinational forestry corporation” sued "Galiano Conservancy Association (the Conservancy), a local elected governing council (the Council)”. During that time, the Sierra Legal Defense Fund helped Galiano Conservancy Association. At the end of the settlement, the plaintiff had to pay Galiano. In the late 1990's and 2000’s, grass roots organizations began to campaign anti-slapp suits. Bill 29,  which was called the Protection of Public Participation Act (PPPA). However, once the Liberal’s came to power, Bill 29 quickly was lost.

A quick timeline:

1992- Slapp suits started to happen during the time of , when "MacMillan Bloedel Limited, a large multinational forestry corporation” sued "Galiano Conservancy Association, a locally elected governing council” (Scott and Tollefson, 47). During that time, the  Sierra Legal Defense Fund helped the Galiano Conservancy Association (Scott and Tollefson, 47).
In the late 1990s and 2000’s-  Grass roots organizations began to campaign anti-slapp suits. Bill 29 was created which was called the Protection of Public Participation Act (PPPA) (Scott and Tollefson, 49)

2001- However, once the Liberals came to power, Bill 29 quickly was lost. The slapp suits are still an issue in BC to this day. Activists and protesters are not  getting help from the government.

Written by: Inderpal Brar

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